Dawid Dziurla 9308795b8b
2020-03-26 15:37:35 +01:00

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# Browser API
Pino is compatible with [`browserify`]( for browser side usage:
This can be useful with isomorphic/universal JavaScript code.
By default, in the browser,
`pino` uses corresponding [Log4j]( `console` methods (`console.error`, `console.warn`, ``, `console.debug`, `console.trace`) and uses `console.error` for any `fatal` level logs.
## Options
Pino can be passed a `browser` object in the options object,
which can have the following properties:
### `asObject` (Boolean)
const pino = require('pino')({browser: {asObject: true}})
The `asObject` option will create a pino-like log object instead of
passing all arguments to a console method, for instance:
```js'hi') // creates and logs {msg: 'hi', level: 30, time: <ts>}
When `write` is set, `asObject` will always be `true`.
### `write` (Function | Object)
Instead of passing log messages to `console.log` they can be passed to
a supplied function.
If `write` is set to a single function, all logging objects are passed
to this function.
const pino = require('pino')({
browser: {
write: (o) => {
// do something with o
If `write` is an object, it can have methods that correspond to the
levels. When a message is logged at a given level, the corresponding
method is called. If a method isn't present, the logging falls back
to using the `console`.
const pino = require('pino')({
browser: {
write: {
info: function (o) {
//process info log object
error: function (o) {
//process error log object
### `serialize`: (Boolean | Array)
The serializers provided to `pino` are ignored by default in the browser, including
the standard serializers provided with Pino. Since the default destination for log
messages is the console, values such as `Error` objects are enhanced for inspection,
which they otherwise wouldn't be if the Error serializer was enabled.
We can turn all serializers on,
const pino = require('pino')({
browser: {
serialize: true
Or we can selectively enable them via an array:
const pino = require('pino')({
serializers: {
custom: myCustomSerializer,
another: anotherSerializer
browser: {
serialize: ['custom']
// following will apply myCustomSerializer to the custom property,
// but will not apply anotherSerializer to another key{custom: 'a', another: 'b'})
When `serialize` is `true` the standard error serializer is also enabled (see
This is a global serializer which will apply to any `Error` objects passed to the logger methods.
If `serialize` is an array the standard error serializer is also automatically enabled, it can
be explicitly disabled by including a string in the serialize array: `!stdSerializers.err`, like so:
const pino = require('pino')({
serializers: {
custom: myCustomSerializer,
another: anotherSerializer
browser: {
serialize: ['!stdSerializers.err', 'custom'] //will not serialize Errors, will serialize `custom` keys
The `serialize` array also applies to any child logger serializers (see
for how to set child-bound serializers).
Unlike server pino the serializers apply to every object passed to the logger method,
if the `asObject` option is `true`, this results in the serializers applying to the
first object (as in server pino).
For more info on serializers see
### `transmit` (Object)
An object with `send` and `level` properties.
The `transmit.level` property specifies the minimum level (inclusive) of when the `send` function
should be called, if not supplied the `send` function be called based on the main logging `level`
(set via `options.level`, defaulting to `info`).
The `transmit` object must have a `send` function which will be called after
writing the log message. The `send` function is passed the level of the log
message and a `logEvent` object.
The `logEvent` object is a data structure representing a log message, it represents
the arguments passed to a logger statement, the level
at which they were logged and the hierarchy of child bindings.
The `logEvent` format is structured like so:
ts = Number,
messages = Array,
bindings = Array,
level: { label = String, value = Number}
The `ts` property is a unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds, the time is taken from the moment the
logger method is called.
The `messages` array is all arguments passed to logger method, (for instance `'a', 'b', 'c')`
would result in `messages` array `['a', 'b', 'c']`).
The `bindings` array represents each child logger (if any), and the relevant bindings.
For instance given `logger.child({a: 1}).child({b: 2}).info({c: 3})`, the bindings array
would hold `[{a: 1}, {b: 2}]` and the `messages` array would be `[{c: 3}]`. The `bindings`
are ordered according to their position in the child logger hierarchy, with the lowest index
being the top of the hierarchy.
By default serializers are not applied to log output in the browser, but they will *always* be
applied to `messages` and `bindings` in the `logEvent` object. This allows us to ensure a consistent
format for all values between server and client.
The `level` holds the label (for instance `info`), and the corresponding numerical value
(for instance `30`). This could be important in cases where client side level values and
labels differ from server side.
The point of the `send` function is to remotely record log messages:
const pino = require('pino')({
browser: {
transmit: {
level: 'warn',
send: function (level, logEvent) {
if (level === 'warn') {
// maybe send the logEvent to a separate endpoint
// or maybe analyse the messages further before sending
// we could also use the `logEvent.level.value` property to determine
// numerical value
if (logEvent.level.value >= 50) { // covers error and fatal
// send the logEvent somewhere