Dawid Dziurla 9308795b8b
2020-03-26 15:37:35 +01:00

168 lines
4 KiB

# Legacy
## Legacy Node Support
### Node v4
Node v4 is supported on the [Pino v4](#pino-v4-documentation) line.
### Node v0.10-v0.12
Node v0.10 or Node v0.12 is supported on the [Pino v2](#pino-v2-documentation) line.
## Documentation
### Pino v4 Documentation
### Pino v3 Documentation
### Pino v2 Documentation
## Migration
### Pino v4 to to Pino v5
#### Logging Destination
In Pino v4 the destination could be set by passing a stream as the
second parameter to the exported `pino` function. This is still the
case in v5. However it's strongly recommended to use `pino.destination`
which will write logs ~30% faster.
##### v4
const stdoutLogger = require('pino')()
const stderrLogger = require('pino')(process.stderr)
const fileLogger = require('pino')(fs.createWriteStream('/log/path'))
##### v5
const stdoutLogger = require('pino')() // pino.destination by default
const stderrLogger = require('pino')(pino.destination(2))
const fileLogger = require('pino')(pino.destination('/log/path'))
Note: This is not a breaking change, `WritableStream` instances are still
supported, but are slower than `pino.destination` which
uses the high speed [`sonic-boom` ⇗](https://github.com/mcollina/sonic-boom) library.
* See [`destination` parameter](/docs/api.md#destination)
#### Extreme Mode
The `extreme` setting does not exist as an option in Pino v5, instead use
a `pino.extreme` destination.
##### v4
const stdoutLogger = require('pino')({extreme: true})
const stderrLogger = require('pino')({extreme: true}, process.stderr)
const fileLogger = require('pino')({extreme: true}, fs.createWriteStream('/log/path'))
##### v5
const stdoutLogger = require('pino')(pino.extreme())
const stderrLogger = require('pino')(pino.extreme(2))
const fileLogger = require('pino')(pino.extreme('/log/path'))
* See [pino.extreme](/docs/api.md#pino-extreme)
* See [Extreme mode ⇗](/docs/extreme.md)
#### Pino CLI is now pino-pretty CLI
The Pino CLI is provided with Pino v4 for basic log prettification.
From Pino v5 the CLI is installed separately with `pino-pretty`.
##### v4
$ npm install -g pino
$ node app.js | pino
##### v5
$ npm install -g pino-pretty
$ node app.js | pino-pretty
* See [Pretty Printing documentation](/docs/pretty.md)
#### Programmatic Pretty Printing
The [`pino.pretty()`](https://github.com/pinojs/pino/blob/v4.x.x/docs/API.md#prettyoptions)
method has also been removed from Pino v5.
##### v4
var pino = require('pino')
var pretty = pino.pretty()
##### v5
Instead use the `prettyPrint` option (also available in v4):
const logger = require('pino')({
prettyPrint: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
In v5 the `pretty-print` module must be installed to use the `prettyPrint` option:
npm install --save-dev pino-pretty
* See [prettyPrint option](/docs/api.md#prettyPrint)
* See [Pretty Printing documentation](/docs/pretty.md)
#### Slowtime
In Pino v4 a `slowtime` option was supplied, which allowed for full ISO dates
in the timestamps instead of milliseconds since the Epoch. In Pino v5 this
has been completely removed, along with the `pino.stdTimeFunctions.slowTime`
function. In order to achieve the equivalent in v5, a custom
time function should be supplied:
##### v4
const pino = require('pino')
const logger = pino({slowtime: true})
// following avoids deprecation warning in v4:
const loggerAlt = pino({timestamp: pino.stdTimeFunctions.slowTime})
##### v5
const logger = require('pino')({
timestamp: () => ',"time":"' + (new Date()).toISOString() + '"'
The practice of creating ISO dates in-process for logging purposes is strongly
recommended against. Instead consider post-processing the logs or using a transport
to convert the timestamps.
* See [timestamp option](/docs/api.md#timestamp)